Annie Borello Fiorilla di Santa Croce
Italian by birth, Annie Borello Fiorilla di Santa Croce was educated in Italy, France and the United States. Drawn to the challenges presented by international transactions, she practiced law in Europe, South and North America focusing on transnational legal matters.
After completing her studies in Italy, France and the United States, Ms. Borello began her professional career with an international law firm in Italy, gained further experience working with the Associazione Italiana per l’Arbitrato (AIA), and then with a major law firm in Buenos Aires focusing on transnational corporate matters, project finance, and oil and gas.
Ms. Borello frequently assists foreign corporations in establishing a business or a distribution network in the U.S. and typically provides them legal advice at 360 degrees. She also advises foreign clients on immigration, trademark and real estate issues.
Ms. Borello received her Law Degree from the Università degli Studi “La Sapienza” in Rome, Italy, where she also defended her thesis (con lode). She obtained a Diploma in Comparative Law from the Université Internationale de Droit Comparé in Strasbourg, France. She was a visiting scholar at the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, in Hamburg, Germany. Then she received the Robert Storey Scholarship to earn a Master’s degree in International and Comparative Law from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas and finally, in May 2003, she received a Master’s degree in Corporate Law from New York University.
Ms. Borello is a member of the bar in New York and Italy, and works in English, Italian, Spanish and French.
Ms. Borello participated as the legal expert in a series of presentations on the legal aspects of “Doing Business in America” for the Italian Trade Commission (now “Italian Trade Agency”) both in New York and in Italy. She also has an ongoing collaboration with different local “Confindustria,” “Unindustria” and “Camera di Commercio.” Those organizations often consult with her about advising entrepreneurs interested in investing in the U.S. or who have a specific problems they are facing in the U.S. and then, if the complexity of the case require more in depth attention, they refer to her.